Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Seasonal Pontoon Boat Rentals
Welcome to Pontoons On The Move
Your source for summer fun and adventure from April 1st to October 15th. Located in Pewaukee WI, we pride ourselves on providing you with the opportunity to experience the thrill and enjoyment of cruising on a luxury pontoon boat on many lakes in Wisconsin and Illinois. We offer daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal pontoon boat rentals. Delivered to the lake of your choice, cleaned, stocked and ready to go.
We have the best watercraft fleet, the best rates, and the best service. All of our pontoons are professionally maintained, come nicely detailed and are guaranteed. Safety equipment including life jackets and lanyard cord are included as well as one-on-one orientation to make sure you are comfortable with the operation of your watercraft rental.

If you have a lake home, summer rental, vacation on the lake and no way to enjoy the water, let us deliver to you a 10 passenger luxury pontoon, a 12 passenger luxury pontoon or a 14 passenger luxury pontoon. All the fun of boating without the hassle of ownership. We will bring the boat to your lake stocked, fueled and ready to set out on your first adventure. We take care of all the maintenance all you have to do is have fun!
We offer daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal pontoon rentals (within a 3 hour radius). Our boats are 10-14 passenger rated with a 90HP or 115HP Mercury 4 stroke engines. They come with everything you need on board; anchors, dock lines, bumpers, life jackets, fire extinguisher, etc.